Monday, June 11, 2018

Chemistry - Week 4

What's in my kitchen?
Looking into my "kitchen", I have a small variety of colors. I have black beans and kidney beans I cook in bulk and store for my meals. I usually have brown rice with red and black rice mixed in, though my next bag is just brown rice. Other items in my pantry include tricolored quinoa I'm too lazy to cook and canned coconut milk for when I'm absolutely sick of beans.

I was gifted a big bag of avocados, so I have extra fatty green to eat for the next week and a half. I also have a bunch of apples in my fruit bowl.

I stock my freezer with a variety of veggies I mix into my now boring concoction of beans and rice. These veggies include a mushroom mix, cauliflower, spinach, yellow corn, and a stir fry veggie blend to add extra colors. The stir fry veggie mix has green beans, broccoli, onions, red bell peppers, carrots, and mushrooms in it. I also have eggs in the fridge so I can boil them for an almost daily snack.

It seems like the majority of what I cook is green, brown, black and red with bits of color somewhat evenly sprinkled in. For the amount of fridge/freezer space I have and the lack of kitchen, I think I have a decent variety to work with. I could some blue and purple though. I guess I'm grabbing some frozen blueberries the next time I go to Trader Joe's!

Thoughts on the class discussion...
I feel like it's pretty sad to hear that companies just put additives in their food like MSG just because people will eat more. It's logically understandable that greedy people will do that, and I can just hear them thinking, "Well, there's no real proof it'll kill them (right away), so we can get away with it and probably only seem evil to a few people." I guess that's part of the problem. Too many of us are addicted enough to these foods to even care. Many of us may know they're wrong, but we give them our money anyway. Heck, I know it's bad for me AND I just got the reminder in our handout in class and I still went out and bought some shrimp chips with MSG and other crappy additives right before our discussion, knowing full well that whenever I have MSG, I end up gulping water cup after cup for the rest of the day and well into the night. I think it's time we all just stopped eating them collectively long enough for these companies to change their ways. If enough of us do that, perhaps it won't take long before we can eat less toxic junk food!


  1. Your rainbow description puts my fridge to shame. Im realizing now that I have almost no vegetable in my fridge. I must go shopping. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. I think that there really is a conspiracy to keep people sick and needing to go to doctors to get pharmacueticals. there is no real reason to put MSG or any crap in food---but to keep people sick
